Murtaza Motiwala

Murtaza Motiwala

I am a third year graduate student in the Networking and Telecommunications Group. I work with Prof Nick Feamster

I completed my under-grad in Computer Science and Engg. at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. There I worked with Prof Timothy Gonsalves for my under-graduate project.

My online profile is here .

I spent Summer '10 at Google, Mountain View and was hosted by Vijay Gill

I spent Summer '08 at Microsoft Research, Redmond working with Ming Zhang

I spent Summer '07 at Princeton University, as part of the VINI Summer Camp




(You can also find all my papers here)



Contact Information:
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280

Last Modified: Dec. 1, 2011
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