From Thu May  1 15:31:47 1997
Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 14:03:51 -0500
From: "R James Firby" <>
Subject: A/V and computer needs for AAAI97
Precedence: bulk
Status: RO
Hi all,
We are assembling a list of all of the A/V and computer components you will
need for
support at the robot competition and exhibition.  Please let me know
whether you would
like a TV to show off what your robot is seeing or a microphone for your
robot to wear.
Also, let me know if you want to show video tapes at the exhibition.
There is also a possibility that we might be able to get computers or
computer monitors
for you to use.  This can save a lot of shipping hassles.  Please let me
know what you
might like along these lines as well.
I need this information as soon as possible so please get me you
requirements by next
Thursday (May 8) at the latest.