The Nicole Project at Georgia Tech

The Nicole Project: Mission Statement

Under Construction

Mission Statement

The Nicole Project is about the science of building artificial people. Its goal is not just the creation of a set of tools that could be used to build an intelligent agent, nor is it just about the creation of such an agent itself; the true goal of the Nicole Project is to develop a complete theory of a human-level intelligent agent, a theory that could be used and applied to develop a wide range of agents, regardless of the tools that are employed.

The Nicole Project has two fundamental principles. First, the best way to create a theory of an intelligent agent is to tackle the whole probelm - attempt to build a complete agent and then to determine what theoretical components are required to produce its behavior, rather than focus too deeply on building individual components. In this sense, the Nicole Project is compatible with Nilsson's habile systems initiative and with Chandresakaran's concepts of generic tasks.

Second, human-level intelligence is not built upon one fundamental mechanism, but instead a broad toolkit of mechanisms, each optimized for a particular idiosyncratic part of the human environment, which work together smoothly and cooperatively to produce intelligent behavior. Thus, the Nicole Project is fundamentally scruffy and modular, standing firmly in the tradition of Minsky's Society of Mind theory, Kolodner's case-based reasoning theory, Fodor's Modularity of Mind theory, and the theories and conjectures of a whole host of other people who aren't normally comfortable being listed together.

The Nicole Project will have succeeded when we have:

Obviously, the Nicole Project is an on-going research effort that will probably take (at least three) decades. Currently, the Nicole Project consists of a set of theories about agent architectures, knowledge representation, memory, reasoning, and control, as well as a small but growing set of tools and systems which implement those theories.

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Last Modified: August 10, 1995 by Anthony Francis (