Assignment One:
A Personal Learning Experience

CS 4660: Intro to Educational Technology
Professor Amy Bruckman
Due:Tuesday, 8/26
Format:Double spaced, 12 pt. font
Approximate Length:2-3 pages
Percentage of Grade:5%

Tell the story of a personal learning experience that was in some way memorable for you. It could be an experience that was surprisingly hard, or surprisingly easy. It could be something you conquered, or something you gave up on. What made the learning experience memorable?

You may write about any kind of learning experience you want. The experience you chose may or may not include computer technology. Here are some suggestions:

Tell the story of your learning experience. Make sure to discuss:


You will be graded on these criteria:

For each of these criteria, you will receive either a plus, check, or minus.

Roughly speaking, each plus moves you up one step from the starting grade of half way between an A- and a B+, and each minus moves you down. All assignments in this class will be graded with this method.

If English is not your first language, you may request an exemption from being graded on your writing. Note this on your paper when you hand it in. This means that can not be penalized for bad writing but also will not get extra credit for good writing.

The suggested length is approximate. Don't worry if it ends up a bit short or long, and please don't play with formatting to try to make it look longer or shorter. Just please don't make your paper more than double the suggested length.

Late policy is noted on the syllabus.