CS 4001
Electronic Voting and Democracy

Work: Individually
  • Email sent to instructor and TA
  • Posting to CoWeb
  • Approximately one page (~500 words) in length
  • Oral presentation in class (approx. 3 minute)
Grading criteria:
  • Completeness
  • Writing
  • Insight into voting/democracy issues
Due: October 28th, before class

Find an article on either electronic voting or electronic democracy. You may also pick a website related to evoting or aiming to promote democracy via electronic means. Check the CoWeb, and make sure no one else has already picked the same article. Add the name of the article, author, and where it appears to the list on the CoWeb.

Write a short summary of the article. In your summary, identify the key issue addressed by the article. Discuss the point of view of the article: who wrote it? What are their credentials? Do they have any particular point of view? Based on the article, what do you now know about the issue and what would you like to learn more about?

If you chose a website, write a short review of the website. What are the stated and implied goals of the site? Does the site meet those goals? Does the site have a particular point of view? How could the site be improved?

Your summary should be approximately one page in length. Email a copy to the instructor and TA, and post it on the CoWeb. Come to class prepared to give a short (approx. three minute) oral presentation of your article.