The following are transcribed comments from the classes pair 1 evaluations' free form response area. We have grouped them into Negative, Neutral, and Positive comments.


They need to come to meetings on time. Try to avoid unnecessary coding & just turn in the same file. Answer to emails on time.

My partner was helpful at clutch time right before assignments were due, but I felt like I did the majority of the work.


Communication needed to be worked on, but X was always very prepared and willing to give the assignment his best.

My partner understands the materials well and assists me in the assignments. Generally it is nice to work with her.

[X] and I worked well together. Were able to easily set up convenient meeting times and collaborated well. Both of us were competent at programming. [X] arguably did too much work too early and didn't leave me with a fair share of work but it worked out in the end.


My partner was very knowledgeable of the Java language. My partner was very willing to help me better understand the material. My partner was a great overall partner!

Good work

Awesome job, knew his stuff. Great partner!

They were always prepared ready to work. Really good partner.

She was able to think through a problem in a different way and solve some code I had problems with.

Good Job overall.

Good partner. Helped out best he could and was on time and worked at the meetings.

(+) ready to do the homework
(+) always come to the meeting
(+) knows what to ask the TA
(+) always try to do her best
(-) the pair programming model is not really working (maybe because it's the first time)

My partner did not procrastinate and was eager to complete the assignment in a timely manner. She is also very knowledgeable at coding.

X was always good at fixing and knowing how to do what I couldn't. Because of that, we always got finished what we needed to finish and worked well together.

He's a pretty cool guy, he's hip, and he's fly.
He codes like a fiend and navigates the team.
He knows how to overload and when to override, he uses a private method when there's variables to hide!
He's a master of iteration and he really knows loops; when he writes getters and setters, he never says oops.
He instantiates objects with the best, and sanity checks with zest.
But the fellowship is broken, for Professor Summet has spoken. And now I have a new partner.

She was really efficient and we communicated well. I would work with her again.

My partner was great at communicating. We worked well together. He seems to understand the material very well.