If the in-order traversal of the binary Tree T is: A D B G C F E and each node of T has either 2 or zero children, draw the tree: What is "this"? Consider the following method: // Remove the node after p from a singly linked list: private void doDelete( Node p) { p.setNext( p.getNext().getNext() ); } Is it correct? If not, why not? Give an example when it will fail or cause a runtime exception. What does the acronym API stand for? Write code to copy one queue into another queue, so that the copy and the original hold the same values after the method finishes. Consider inserting characters into an initially empty binary search tree [No balancing is done when inserting!]. Which of the following sequences of characters will create a tree with the longest root-to-leaf path? (tree of maximum height) cat dog god Provided the source code for the LLNode and AgentNode classes, draw a UML diagram for the LLNode and AgentNode classes. What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface? How is sampled sound represented in a computer? What do the values of the samples represent? If you have a sine wave that is sampled at a rate of 44,100 samples per second, and the value reaches the maximum number every 441 samples, what is the tone, measured in Hz? Bonus questions: Can you hear the tone? Write code to set all pixels in the rectangle between p1 (50,75) and p2 (75,100) to the color red. Write code to draw a pentagon using turtle graphics commands. Write code to draw a five pointed star using turtle graphics commands. See a picture of a GUI: Describe what gui components were used, and how they were arranged hierarchically. What is the difference between a continuous simulation and a discrete simulation? How would you implement a stack using an array? What is different when implementing a queue using an array? What is the difference between a binary tree and an n-ary tree? What advantages does a binary tree have? What advantages does a n-ary tree have? When would you use one, the other? Draw a binary tree with some data in it. Show the results of traversing it using: Pre-Order, Post-Order, and in-order traversals.