

  • Lecturer: Jay Summet
  • Email: summetj [at]
  • Office: CCB 119
  • Office Hours:
  • TA: Enrique Santos
  • Email: enrique [at]
  • Enrique's office hours (CCB 337):
    • Tuesdays & Thursdays 3-5pm
    • Friday 12-1pm


Course Objectives

This course is primarily built around hands on labs and projects.



Letter grade assignments are given according to the following cutoffs with no rounding:

  • 90.0 <= A <= 100
  • 80.0 <= B < 90.0
  • 70.0 <= C < 80.0
  • 60.0 <= D < 70.0
  • 0 <= F < 60.0

Grading Policies

There is no curve in this course. The grading breakdown is as follows:

Attendance Policy: You will begin the class with a 106% grade in the attendance category. Every day you do not attend class your attendance grade will drop by 3%. This means that you can skip any 2 days of your choosing while maintaining a perfect 100% score in the attendance category. (Or, you may maintain perfect attendance and take the 6% extra credit.) If you have a Dean of Students excused absence it will not count against your attendance grade. It is your responsibility to sign the attendance sheet before it is collected.

Timely handling of grade disputes: Disputes of grading on assignments, exams, etc must be discussed within one week of their return or posting.

Late Work and Missed Exam Policy: Assignments are due before the date and time indicated. There are no makeups for missed exams. Any request for exceptions to this policy should be made in advance when at all possible.

Email Policy for this Course

Please try to use your official Georgia Tech email when sending email to the instructor. Please attach [cs3651] to the beginning of the subject of your email! Please also indicate who you are within your email. :)

Assignment Submission

Almost all electronic assignments will be submitted via T-Square. Assignments turned in electronically should be submitted using PDF or plain text files. Do NOT submit .doc, .docx, .odt, etc. In general, assignments should be written in 12 pt, Times-Roman font (or similar) and double spaced. Electronic assignments will be submitted through T-Square in the "Assignments" tab. Emailing your assignments to the instructor is unacceptable. We will also make use of the "Resources" tab as a repository for useful documents and readings.

Access T-Square at

Assignments & Collaboration

Include a header at the top of each file you turn in detailing the following information:

Plagiarism is the "use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work." [Wikipedia] and is considered academic dishonesty and an honor code violation.

Keep in mind that you are allowed to work with other students currently in CS3651. Do give credit though by listing your group collaborators and citing others work when appropriate.


In this class you will complete several hands-on projects. Smaller projects for past classes have included a Balsa Wood Bridge Contest and a team Rube Goldberg Machine contest.

The largest will be a 3-4 person team final project. Your team will propose a project, build it, track your progress using a simple SCRUMM system, document your project with a website and video, and give a final presentation of your project at the end of class. Your final project will be graded in all three of the Projects, Documentation, and Presentations grading categories.

Example projects can be seen on previous class websites:


Each student will be required to present a topic of interest to the class. The topic can be something you already have knowledge about and feel would be helpful to your fellow students in completing class work. Please run your project ideas by Jay before you begin work on your presentation. If you can not think of something to present, notify Jay and he will help you decide on something. Your presentation should be 10-15 minutes long.

This will be part of your overall presentation grade. When you present you may use the computer already in our classroom or your laptop. It is your responsibility to make sure you presentation works before the class has started. It is your responsibility to sign up for a class day on which to present your topic. Grading will be done according to this criteria. In addition to your individual presentations, each team will be giving presentations on their projects throughout the class.

Course Expectations

  1. Class attendance is required.
  2. Keep up with the reading. Readings should be completed before class on the date indicated on the Calendar.
  3. Take responsibility for your course work submissions; it is your job to make sure that you successfully turned in what you meant to turn in. Be sure to verify your submission. This is how you make sure that you get credit for the work you do.
  4. Be prepared when you go to get help from a TA or your instructor. Bring your work with you.
  5. Take initiative. Begin your assignments early and if you think you need help, come prepared. Use the resources that are provided for you, and be determined to succeed from the start.
  6. Read, understand, and follow the Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code