

So Who uses Python Anyway?

Course Objectives

  1. To understand the basic concepts of computer programming in a high-level language.
  2. To be able to use and combine control flow constructs to form useful programs.
  3. To understand and become familiar with a number of simple data structures.
  4. To understand the process and skills necessary to effectively deal with problem solving in relation to writing programs.
  5. To be able to test and debug programs.
  6. To understand and employ functions and modularity.
  7. Through labs become comfortable with common software packages in use today.

Lectures and Workshops

Course Materials


Letter grade assignments are given according to the following cutoffs with no rounding:

  • 90.0 <= A <= 100
  • 80.0 <= B < 90.0
  • 70.0 <= C < 80.0
  • 60.0 <= D < 70.0
  • 0 <= F < 60.0

Grading Policies

There is no curve in this course. The grading breakdown is as follows:

Homeworks & Labs: You will have between 9-12 homeworks due in this class. You will have between 5 to 15 days to complete each homework. The last homework assignment may be due in the final week of class. You will also have 4-6 "labs" that are typically self-directed assignments training you in how to use basic computer technology (Discussion Groups / Forums, Your OIT file system, HTML/CSS (building webpages), Excel, Powerpoint, etc..) The last lab may be due the final week of class.

Attendance & Participation: Various classes and recitations will have small assignments due in class. These may be submitted via paper, T-Square, or PRS (clicker) devices. The majority of your Attendance & Participation score will be derived from these assignments, which can not be "made-up" if you do not attend the class. Is is a violation of the Academic Honor Code to submit work or "sign-in" for other students.

Timely handling of grade disputes: Disputes of grading on assignments, exams, etc must be discussed within one week of their return or posting. Should you find yourself having an issue with a grade, contact your TA. After you talk with your TA, if you are not satisfied you may contact the Head TA or course instructor.

Late Work and Missed Exam Policy: Assignments must be turned in before the date and time indicated to be considered "on-time". Assignments will be accepted up to one school day late, but late assignments will have their score reduced by 10%. Assignments later than 1 school day will receive no credit. There are no makeups for missed exams. Any request for exceptions to this policy should be made in advance when at all possible. Requests should be due to incapacitating illness, death in the family, or something similarly serious and be accompanied by supporting documentation. Events such as sleeping through your alarm, alarm malfunction, not being aware of the exam will not be considered excuses.

Email Policy for this Course

Please try to use your official Georgia Tech email when sending email to us. Please attach [cs1301] to the beginning of the subject of your email! Please also indicate who you are within your email. :)

TA Help Desk

Assignment Submission

Almost all assignments will be submitted electronically via T-Square.

Access T-Square at


Collaboration with other students in this CS 1301 class is an important learning method. We require pair programming for several Homeworks in this class because programming in pairs creates higher quality code and improves student learning. The following guidelines will help you understand the difference between collaboration and plagiarism.

Keep in mind that you are allowed to work with other students currently in CS1301. Do give credit though using the collaboration statement. Jay and the current TA's should be treated as course material and need not be listed in the collaboration statement.

Course Expectations

  1. Lecture and workshop attendance is required.
  2. Keep up with the reading. Readings should be completed before class on the date indicated on the Calendar.
  3. Use the course newsgroups wisely to have discussions about course material with your classmates and the TAs. You are also expected to follow good newsgroup etiquette, as per the newsgroup lab.
  4. Do your homework and labs! Learning to program is like learning a sport. It takes actual practice and time to get good. The assignments that are given are opportunities to learn the material that you will be responsible for on exams. Use collaboration wisely to help you learn.
  5. Take responsibility for your course work submissions; it is your job to make sure that you successfully turned in what you meant to turn in. Be sure to verify your submission. This is how you make sure that you get credit for the work you do.
  6. Be prepared when you go to get help from a TA or your instructor. Bring your work with you.
  7. Take initiative. Begin your assignments early and if you think you need help, come prepared. Use the resources that are provided for you, and be determined to succeed from the start.
  8. Read, understand, and follow the Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code