# A very simple setup script to create 2 executables. # # hello.py is a simple "hello, world" type program, which runs in the console # # canvasDemo.py is a simple program that uses the Tkinter package to make # a simple line drawing tool. Left click to draw lines, right click to # delete lines. # It will be converted into a windows program WITHOUT a console! # # # Run the build process by entering 'setup.py build' or # 'python setup.py build' in a console prompt. # # Note: 'python setup.py bdist_msi' will create a MSI installer and put a shortcut # to the canvasDemo program into the main program menu. # # If everything works well, you should find a subdirectory named 'dist' # containing some files, among them hello.exe and canvasDemo.exe. import sys from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable #Dependancies are automatically detected, but it might need some hints... #re is needed by cx_Freeze build_exe_options={"packages": ["re", 'tkinter']} setup( # The first three parameters are not required, if at least a # 'version' is given, then a versioninfo resource is built from # them and added to the executables. version = "0.5.0", description = "csFreeze sample script", name = "csFreeze samples", options={"build_exe": build_exe_options}, # targets to build - Try using base=None on the canvas Demo to see # a windows program WITH a consle! executables = [ Executable("canvasDemo.py", base="Win32GUI", shortcutName="CanvasDemo", shortcutDir="ProgramMenuFolder"), Executable("hello.py", base=None)] )