Scooby2beDue Design Document

Spring Quarter 1996

Document Author:

Jon A. Preston

Project Sponsors:

Gregory Abowd

Scooby2beDue Team:

Jason Pierce (Manager)
Ken Griggs (Architect)
Tony Saladino (Programmer)
Minh Ho (Programmer)
Jon A. Preston (Technical Writer)


Project Description of Target System

The Scooby2beDue To-Do List will support basic to-do list functionality. In addition to adding and removing reminders of tasks that the user may need to accomplish, it will also allow the inclusion of the date that each item is due, and setting a priority for each one. The list may then be sorted and diplayed based on priority (the default), due date or creation date. The applet will also support the concept of "groups", where list items may be separated into logical subsets or groups and then displayed sorted based on group. List items may be edited at any time to correct typos or to reflect changes in circumstances.

Click here to see the full Project Description.

High-level architecture

The Scooby2BeDue system is divided up into 5 major components, as depicted in the following diagram. This high-level architecture depiction represents a decomposition of the system into components or subsystems: The Web Server (based on rossem during development), WWW Client, and Java Interpreter communicate via control and data calls that do not concern us here. The details of the interaction between the Telnet Server and the file system are similarly unimportant. For this reason, these components and their interactions will be mostly ignored in the remainder of this document. However, it is important to note that the Telnet Server and Web Server must both reside on the same UNIX-based host.

Data and control among the four components of the Applet are further described in the Design Specification section of this document below.

The fifth significant component depicted below is the Telnet Server through which all interaction with the File System occurs. The Files component handles all file read/write interaction from the ToDo Applet to the Telnet Server.

The following is a high-level architecture depiction of the Scooby2BeDue system:

hi design
Figure 1: High-Level Architecture Design

Since the Scooby2beDue To-Do List Manager is divided up into 4 sections, the internal wokings of each section will be described seperately, and the interactions will be described throughout.


Everything that happens inside the List Manager is driven by the main applet class, ToDo. The rest of the Interface objects are all dialog boxes. The majority of the data processing and interface management is done by ToDo's handleEvent method. This method is called every time the user clicks on anything in the main screen (shown below). This method then does any required processing in response to the user's input.
The way dialog boxes are handled in the Scooby2beDue To-Do List Manager is somewhat unusual. All of the dialog box classes have constructors that display the dialog window and shift the input focus to that dialog box. All of these dialog boxes are modal, so, the user cannot interact with the main screen while the dialog is displayed. Also, while displayed, the dialog's handleEvent method recieves any user events, rather than the main applet handleEvent. This method does any processing for user interactions with the dialog box. When the user dismisses a dialog box (by pressing OK, Cancel, etc.), an event is generated in the main applet event handler that notifies the applet that the dialog box has been closed and returns any data collected. The dialog boxes remove themselves from the screen.
The handleEvent methods of the applet and the dialog boxes do all of the high level processing and call methods in the other objects.


The Item component manages a doubly linked list and is responsible for interpreting and converting the data to be read from and written to the data file. The ItemList class is the main class in this subsystem. The ItemList class provides several self-explanatory methods to add an item, delete an item, and sort the data in memory. It also provides a unique method of access to the data in that it maintains an internal pointer to the most recently accessed node in the list to improve access time when each item will be accessed sequentially. WARNING: Care must be used if this class is ever used in a mutli-threaded environment, since different threads might leave the list on different nodes.
This class does not use the built-in Vector class for maintaining lists of objects. Instead it uses a series of node objects to build the doubly linked list, with each node having a reference to one Item object. This is done to facilitate using the quicksort algorithm for sorting the item list.
Also unusual to this class is the fact that it partially manages the main GroupList in that it loads the GroupList with the data from the file, and writes the data from the GroupList to the file.
The ItemList also provides methods for explicitly reading the file into memory and writing the current data to the file.


The Groups component of the Scooby2beDue applet is by far the simplest. It merely maintains a singly linked list of group names and makes those names available to other portions of the system.
The GroupList class performs all of the actual work of this component. Insertion sort is used to alphabetically sort the group names as they are inserted. This class also maintains the same "most recently used" state information to keep the interface similar to the ItemList class.


The Files subsystem uses a Telnet connection to the Web Server to maintain files on the server. The Connection class manages the telnet protocol and all escape-character processing, etc. However, the interface that it provides is very rough: it only allows for transmission and reciept of raw byte arrays. The wrapper class, RemoteFile, actually performs the functions of interacting with the Telnet Server on the remote machine.
When the ToDo event handler calls the login function of RemoteFile, it establishes the connection to the host, and sends the given username and password to the Telnet Server as if the user was actually logging in personally. It then verifies that the login was successful (i.e. valid username/password, no network errors), and if so, configures the user's shell for its use.
Read operations are performed using the UNIX utility cat to display the file (cat filename). The user's prompt is temporarily set to a very uncommon sequence of characters to help the system detect when the file has ended. Write operations are also performed using cat (cat - >| filename). Control-D is used to indicate the end of the file in this case. This method of file transfer limits the types of files that can be stored using this class to those consisting only of printable characters and whitespace - no control characters or 8-bit ASCII characters.
The RemoteFile class never explicitly logs out of the Telnet session, instead the connection is broken when the RemoteFile object is destroyed and the socket is no longer allocated to the applet. The Telnet Server will detect this a a "hangup", terminate all running processes (there shouldn't be any), and log the user out automatically.

Design Specification

Here is a Coad and Nicola style Object-Oriented Design diagram of our applet:

Figure 2: Object-Oriented Design of Scooby2BeDue Applet

Detailed Class Interface Specification

ToDo Class Specification (Interface)

public class ToDo extends java.applet.Applet {
    public final static int FILENAME = ".todolist";

    protected List      mainList;
    protected Choice    primarySort;
    protected Choice    secondarySort;
    protected TextField description;
    protected TextField dueMonth;
    protected TextField dueDay;
    protected TextField dueYear;
    protected TextField startMonth;
    protected TextField startDay;
    protected TextField startYear;
    protected Choice    priority;
    protected Choice    group;

    protected ItemList  itemList;
    protected GroupList groupList;
    protected boolean   initDone;

    public void      init();
    public void      start();
    public void      stop();
    public boolean   handleEvent( Event evt );

ToDo Class Notes

LoginDlg Class Specification (Interface)

public class LoginDlg extends java.awt.Dialog {
    protected TextField userName;
    protected TextField password;

    protected Applet    app;

    public           LoginDlg( Applet app );
    public boolean   handleEvent( Event evt );

GroupsDlg Class Specification (Interface)

public class GroupsDlg extends java.awt.Dialog {
    protected TextField groupName;
    protected Choice    groupList;

    protected Applet    app;
    protected GroupList groups;

    public           GroupsDlg( Applet app, GroupList tGroups );
    public boolean   handleEvent( Event evt );

NewDlg Class Specification (Interface)

public class NewDlg extends java.awt.Dialog {
    protected TextField description;
    protected TextField dueMonth;
    protected TextField dueDay;
    protected TextField dueYear;
    protected TextField startMonth;
    protected TextField startDay;
    protected TextField startYear;
    protected Choice    priority;
    protected Choice    group;

    protected Applet    app;
    protected GroupList groups;

    public           NewDlg( Applet app, GroupList tGroups );
    public boolean   handleEvent( Event evt );

MsgDlg Class Specification (Interface)

public class MsgDlg extends java.awt.Dialog {
    protected Applet    app;

    public           MsgDlg( Applet app, String str );
    public boolean   handleEvent( Event evt );

YesNoDlg Class Specification (Interface)

public class YesNoDlg extends java.awt.Dialog {
    protected Applet    app;

    public           YesNoDlg( Applet tApp, String str );
    public boolean   handleEvent( Event evt );

Dialog Class Notes

ItemList Class Specification (Items)

public class ItemList {
    public final static int SORT_PRIORITY = 0;
    public final static int SORT_ENDDATE = 1;
    public final static int SORT_GROUP = 2;
    public final static int SORT_STARTDATE = 3;
    protected final static int SORT_DONE = 4;
    protected int       sort1;
    protected int       sort2;
    protected ItemRec   head;
    protected ItemRec   tail;
    protected ItemRec   mru;
    protected RemoteFile file;
    protected GroupList groups;

    public           ItemList( RemoteFile tFile );
    public void      readFile() throws IOException;
    public void      saveFile() throws IOException;
    public GroupList getGroups();
    public int       getNumItems();
    public Item      getItem()
                        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
    public Item      getNextItem()
                        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
    public void      addItem( Item newItem );
    public void      deleteItem( int pos )
                        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
    public void      sort( int tSort1, int tSort2 );

    protected void   sort( ItemRec head, ItemRec tail,
                           int sort1, int sort2 );

ItemList Class Notes

Item Class Specification (Items)

public class Item {
    public String    description;
    public Date      startDate;
    public Date      endDate;
    public byte      priority;
    public String    group;

    public           Item( String tDescription, Date tStartDate,
                           Date tEndDate, byte tPriority,
                           String tGroup );

Item Class Notes

ItemRec Class Specification (Items)

class ItemRec {
    public ItemRec   next;
    public ItemRec   prev;
    public Item      item;

    public           ItemRec( Item tItem );

ItemRec Class Notes

GroupList Class Specification (Groups)

public class GroupList {
    protected GroupRec  head;
    protected GroupRec  mru;

    public int       getNumGroups();
    public String    getGroup( int pos )
                        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
    public String    getNextGroup()
                        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
    public void      addGroup( String tStr );
    public void      deleteGroup( String tStr )
                        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;

GroupList Class Notes

GroupRec Class Specification (Groups)

class GroupRec {
    public GroupRec  next;
    public String    name;

    public           GroupRec( String tName );

GroupRec Class Notes

Connection Class Specification (Files)

public class Connection {
    protected Socket       sock;
    protected InputStream  in;
    protected OutputStream out;

    public           Connection( String host, int port )
                            throws UnknownHostException,
    public int       available()
                            throws IOException;
    public int       receive( byte[] data )
                            throws IOException;
    public void      send( byte[] data )
                            throws IOException;
    protected int    getchar()
                            throws IOException;

Connection Class Notes

RemoteFile Class Specification (Files)

public class RemoteFile {
    protected Connection conn;

    public           RemoteFile( String host );
    public boolean   login( String userName, String password );
    public void      openRead( String filename )
                        throws IOException;
    public void      closeRead()
                        throws IOException;
    public void      openWrite( String filename )
                        throws IOException;
    public void      closeWrite()
                        throws IOException;
    public int       available();
    public int       read( byte[] data )
                        throws IOException;
    public void      write( byte[] data )
                        throws IOException;

RemoteFile Class Notes

User Interface

When the user opens the URL for the To-Do List Manager, the Scooby2beDue List Manager will load, then immediately present the following login screen:

Once the user logs in, they will be left on the main screen for the application:

If the user presses the Add... button, they will be presented with the following screen to add a new item:

Or, if the user presses the Groups... button from the main screen, they will see this screen:

The following two screens come up in a variety of situations. This is displayed when Yes/No input is needed:

Finally, the following screen is used to notify the user of error conditions, etc.:

Link to Scooby2beDue Project Notebook
Last Modified 5/7/96 -- Jon A. Preston (Technical Writer)