Design Document Grading

Team: Yakko Wakko Dot Dayplan

Grade: (90 out of 100)

The following is a breakdown of the grading.

Document presentation (5 out of 5)

Important points: Comments:

Project Description of Target System (5 out of 5)

Link to other documents? OK, you used a link to the description contained elsewhere, as suggested.


High-level architecture (25 out of 30)


Design specification (25 out of 30)

Comments: How do the problem domain and interface descriptions relate to the high-level architecture?

User Interface (30 out of 30)

Comments: well done
If you wish to have your Design Document regraded, revise it within one week of receiving comments. Be sure to maintain a link to the original version of the Design Document in your notebook for comparison purposes. To get a regrade, you must send e-mail to the instructor requesting the regrade.