Project Plan Grading Template

Team: Yakka ...

Grade: (92 out of 100)

The following is a breakdown of the grading.

Document presentation (9/10 pts)

Important points: Desirable features: Comments:

Project Description (20/20 pts)

Important points: Comments: To what extent are you coordinating with CoC graduate student Anind Dey. He is doing a similar project and should be mentioned explicitly in your project description. Also, you should put in explicit links to other work as you become aware of it.

Project Schedule (30/35 pts)

Important points: Extra bonus: Comments:

Activities description (33/35 pts)

Important points: Comments:

If you want to have your grade reconsidered for this document, you must hand in a new version within one week and address the comments made in this initial grading. After regrading, the new grade will override the original one.