Project Plan Grading Template

Team: Yakka ...

Grade: (92 out of 100) regraded to (101 out of 100)

The following is a breakdown of the grading.

Document presentation (9/10 pts) (regraded to 13/10)

Important points: Desirable features: Comments:

Project Description (20/20 pts)

Important points:

Comments: To what extent are you coordinating with CoC graduate student Anind Dey. He is doing a similar project and should be mentioned explicitly in your project description. Also, you should put in explicit links to other work as you become aware of it.

Please put the project description at the top of the project plan. I would also like for there to be an explicit link to the project schedule from the notebook page and I would like to know how to follow how the schedule is revised over time. I can possibly see this in the revision history, but I'm not sure.

Project Schedule (30/35 pts) changed to (33/35 pts)

Important points: Extra bonus: Comments: (2nd time around) I Be sure to track what activities each member actually works on and how much time is spent. I'm concerned that you don't have that many activities that are going on concurrently. Things like Java training and requirements activities should overlap.

I explicitly mentioned in class that you should not list something like "Requirements Document" as an activity. That is a deliverable. The activities associated with it are things like scenario determination and storyboarding and writing and document reviewing. I would rather see activities like that in your schedule. You could think of breaking the schedule down into parts or phases, such as Concept development, Requirements, Design and Prototyping. Then you can further subdivide those activities into smaller activities. Activities such as writing and document review would be in a separate category that spans across these phases. And the phases will overlap in time because you will start designing before you are finished with requirements gathering, etc.

Also, you can adjust your schedule table and replace the "x"'s with actual number of hours scheduled for that activity that week. Then you can accumulated number of hours for a week (sum the columns) and number of hours for an activity (sum the rows)

Activities description (33/35 pts) changed to (35/35)

Important points: Comments: (2nd time) OK and it would be even more readable if there was the hierarchical decomposition of phases as suggested above.

If you want to have your grade reconsidered for this document, you must hand in a new version within one week and address the comments made in this initial grading. After regrading, the new grade will override the original one.