Random Geometric Graphs

rggX is a random geometric graph with 2^X vertices. Each vertex is a random point in the unit square and edges connect vertices whose Euclidean distance is below 0.55 ln n/n. This threshold was choosen in order to ensure that the graph is almost connected.

Reference: M. Holtgrewe, P. Sanders, and C. Schulz. Engineering a Scalable High Quality Graph Partitioner. 24th IEEE International Parallal and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2010.

Graph Files

All files are compressed using bzip2. The number of vertices are all powers of two. The file names are marked by the base-2 logarithm of the graph sizes.

Graph Coordinates log_2 (n) m
rgg_n_2_15_s0.graph.bz2 rgg_n_2_15_s0.xyz.bz2 15
rgg_n_2_16_s0.graph.bz2 rgg_n_2_16_s0.xyz.bz2 16
rgg_n_2_17_s0.graph.bz2 rgg_n_2_17_s0.xyz.bz2 17
rgg_n_2_18_s0.graph.bz2 rgg_n_2_18_s0.xyz.bz2 18
rgg_n_2_19_s0.graph.bz2 rgg_n_2_19_s0.xyz.bz2 19
rgg_n_2_20_s0.graph.bz2 rgg_n_2_20_s0.xyz.bz2 20
rgg_n_2_21_s0.graph.bz2 rgg_n_2_21_s0.xyz.bz2 21
rgg_n_2_22_s0.graph.bz2 rgg_n_2_22_s0.xyz.bz2 22
rgg_n_2_23_s0.graph.bz2 rgg_n_2_23_s0.xyz.bz2 23
rgg_n_2_24_s0.graph.bz2 rgg_n_2_24_s0.xyz.bz2 24