Dynamic Assembly from Models

The DYNAMO project is concerned with assembling high-assurance systems from components, and, specifically, with guaranteeing correct interaction of sets of large, heterogeneous components. Several problems must be overcome to provide such guarantees: 1) dealing with the sheer complexity of the individual components and their interoperation; 2) maintaining design integrity and information hiding in the individual components; 3) providing the desired guarantees, either statically, during design, or at run time; and 4) not compromising efficiency while accomplishing the other goals.

DYNAMO addresses these problems with several techniques: 1) a layered architecture limits complexity by reducing the quantity and nature of allowed interactions; 2) a declarative specification mechanism abstracts away low-level details such as event dispatch and handling and variable updates; 3) static analysis of component designs is augmented with run-time status monitoring and gauges; and 4) compile-time component wrapper generation removes expensive, inter-layer procedure calls.

Principle Investigators

Project Documents

  • Proposal
  • Papers
  • Administrative Documents
  • Presentations

  • Technical Materials

  • Documents
  • Tools

  • Related Pages

  • Sponsor: DARPA
  • Program: DASADA
  • Contract Administrator: Rome Laboratories

  • For more information, please contact: dynamo-support@cc.gatech.edu
    College of Computing
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Atlanta, GA 30332-0280
    Last modified: Dec 24, 2001