DYNAMO Tool Description: ParaGen


ParaGen: Para Generator


ParaGen is a Para pretty printer that takes an XMI file as an input and outputs an intermediate representation for UML diagrams called Para. Currently, ParaGen supports a subset of class and state diagrams and some OCL. ParaGen parses an XMI (XML Metadata Interchange) file generated from a UML tool, such as ArgoUML (http://www.tigris.org) and generates the Para representation.

Operating System Dependencies

ParaGen is compilable under UNIX or Solaris operating systems.

Program Dependencies

To use ParaGen the following external tools are needed:

Compilation Instructions

To compile ParaGen for unix/solaris, Xerces must be installed on the system. We had some trouble getting ParaGen to work with the pre-compiled binaries available on the Xerces website. We recommend that the user download the sourcecode for Xerces 1.3 and recompile the binaries on their platform.

Once Xerces has been installed on the system, the user will need to modify the makefile:
PLATFORM = -D platform
XERCESROOT = current path to Xerces installation

In addition, it may be necessary to set the library flags to references the correct version of the Xerces library.
i.e. -lxerces-c1_3 or -lxerces-c1_6_0

Type "make" to generate the ParaGen executable.

Once the executable has been generated, the user must set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the current location of the xerces library file.


ParaGen source code for unix/solaris can be downloaded here

Point of Contact

Last modified: Mon Mar 11 15:07:56 EST 2002