DYNAMO Tool Description: PLAT


PLAT: Product Line Assembly Tool


The Product Line Assembly tool is a functioning demo of Para Tools technology. With PLAT the user can create or modify existing ArgoUML models, check those models with the SMV model checker and generate C++ wrapper code for mode components.

Operating System Dependencies

PLAT is only available in binary distribution for Cygwin and Solaris operating systems at this time.

Program Dependencies

All the executables for the PLAT demo are provided except for the following:


1) Unpack the tar.gz directory
2) JDK 1.3 must be installed on the host computer and added to the path.
3) ArgoUML version 0.8.1 must be installed. The user will need to modify the ./ArgoScript file to reflect the location of the argouml jar file.
4) SMV Model Checker must be installed on the system. The user will need to modify the ./AnalyzeScript file to reflect the location of that executable.
5) Type "./plat.exe"


Binary distribution of PLAT for Solaris can be downloaded here
Binary distribution of PLAT for Cygwin can be downloaded here

Point of Contact

Last modified: Mon Mar 11 15:10:35 EST 2002