CS7100: Introductory Course for Graduate Students in the College of Computing

Summer Internships

Project Book

Syllabus for Core Exam

Ph.D. Student Handbook, Georgia Tech College of Computing


Writing Advice


General Advice

Getting What You Came For: The Smart Student's Guide to Earning a Master's or a Ph.D., Robert L. Peters, Noonday Press, 1992.

"How to Succeed in Graduate School: A Guide for Students and Advisors", Marie desJardins, Crossroads, December 1994 and February 1995. Part 1 . Part 2 .

How to do Research at the MIT AI Lab , David Chapman

Choosing an Advisor

"Choosing Your Major Advisor" from The Graduate Newsletter, Spring 1991.

Choosing a Graduate Advisor

Research Ethics

On Being A Scientist: Responsible Conduct In Research from the National Academy of Sciences

Writing Papers

An Evaluation of the Ninth SOSP Submissions, or, How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems Paper by Roy Levin and David D. Redell

Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr.

Giving Talks

"How to Present a Paper in Theoretical Computer Science" , Ian Parberry

Reviewing Papers

"The Task of the Referee", Alan J. Smith, IEEE Computer, Vol. 23, No. 4, April 1990, pp. 65-73.

"A Guide for New Referees in Theoretical Computer Science" , Ian Parberry,


"Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn" from The Graduate Newsletter, Spring 1990.

Other Useful References

Study, Research and Writing Skills

Collected Advice on Research and Writing

Graduate Student Resources on the Web

Phil Agre, Networking on the Network

Handbook for Teaching Assistants at UCSB

From the Graduate Newsletter:
Choosing Your Thesis or Disseration Topic
Studying for the Qualifying Exam
The Making of a Successful Proposal
Writing Your Dissertation

Lecture Date Topic
1 10/9 Introductions; Graduate Student Milestones: Requirements and Expectations
Doctoral Program Rules: Academic Year 1996-7
2 10/11 Panel: What Does it Mean to "Do Research"?
3 10/14 Faculty Research Presentations
4 10/16 Faculty Research Presentations
5 10/18 Making Progress in an Unstructured Environment: Time Management, Setting Goals, Filing System Tips
6 10/21 Faculty Research Presentations
7 10/23 Faculty Research Presentations
8 10/25 Doing Research: Reading Papers, Choosing Topics, Participating in the Community
9 10/28 Faculty Research Presentations
10 10/30 Faculty Research Presentations
11 11/1 Useful Tools: laTex, awk, perl, make, emacs
12 11/4 Faculty Research Presentations
13 11/6 Faculty Research Presentations
14 11/8 Technical Writing; What is a Good Research Paper?
15 11/11 Faculty Research Presentations
16 11/13 Faculty Research Presentations
17 11/15 Giving Good Technical Presentations, Attending Conferences, Reviewing Technical Papers
18 11/18 Faculty Research Presentations
19 11/20 Faculty Research Presentations
20 11/22 Panel: Teaching Skills for T.A.'s
21 11/25 Faculty Research Presentations
22 11/27 Faculty Research Presentations
23 12/2 Faculty Research Presentations
24 12/4 Faculty Research Presentations
25 12/6 Research Ethics; Choosing an Advisor
26 12/9 Faculty Research Presentations
27 12/11 Faculty Research Presentations
28 12/13 What's Ahead? Challenges of the Next Year, Finding a Summer Job