Advanced Media-oriented Systems Research: Capture, Integration, and Access


Funding agency: NSF EIA

Grant number: EIA 9972872

Date of proposal submission: November 1998

Start of funding: September 1999

Duration of award: September 1999 - August 2004


Executive Summary : This executive summary is the one that was put forth at the time the proposal was submitted to NSF (circa Fall 1998). Needless to say, some of the research directions and specifics have changed from the time of writing the proposal.

Annual Report, 2000

Annual Report, 2001

Annual Report, 2002

Annual Report, 2003

Presentation at NSF RI PI Meeting, 2003

Annual Report, 2004

A retrospective on the RI Award, from the proceedings of the NSF RI Pervasive Workshop 2005

Presentation at the NSF RI Pervasive Workshop 2005

Final Report, 2005

Projects Related to the Infrastructure Award

Impact on Curriculum

Pointers to new undergraduate courses in the systems area

  1. CS 2200 - Introduction to Computer Systems and Networking
  2. CS 3210 - Design of Operating Systems
  3. CS 3220 - Processor Design
  4. CS 4220 - Programming Embedded Systems

Pointers to new graduate courses in the systems area

  1. CS 6230 High-performance Parallel Computing: Tools and Applications
  2. CS 6235 - Introduction to Real-Time System Concepts and Implementation
  3. CS 7110 - Parallel Computer Architecture
  4. CS 8803 - Pervasive Computing with Distributed Sensors

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