CS 4251 Spring 2001

Computer Networks II


Mostafa Ammar, GCATT 219, ammar@cc.gatech.edu
Office Hours: T-Th 12-1 Room 132 CCB (or by appointment)
Phone: (404) 894.3292.

Teaching Assistants

Jin-Liang Fan jlfan@cc.gatech.edu Office Hours: T Th 1:45-2:45pm (CCB Commons Area).

Li Zou (zou@cc.gatech.edu), Office Hours: M, W 3:30-4:30pm (CCB Commons Area)

ESSENTIAL Prerequisites

Course Meeting Time

TTH 9:30-11:00am in CCB 101

Course Info

This course deals with the fundamentals of wide-area networking and its applications. The course assumes the basic knowledge covered in CS3251 regarding Internet technology. This course has the broader goal of covering a broad spectrum of networking issues and approaches. The main objective is to give the student a foundation of understanding networking as it is today but more importantly as it may evolve in the future. The course will also build upon the application programming expertise developed in CS3251.


Web Page

The class web page will be http://www.cc.gatech.edu/fac/Mostafa.Ammar/4251. We will make extensive use of the class web page to make HWs, solutions and other handouts available to you.

Assignments and Projects

There will be 3 HW assignments, two exams and one programming project and a final exam. The programming project is to be done individually and will require about 5 weeks each to complete. The HW will be mostly pencil and paper and will require about one to two weeks each to complete.


HW: 10% each -- total 30%

Exams: 15% each -- total 30%

Project: 15%

Final: 25%

(If you are graduating, you don't have to take the final and your grade will be calculated based on a full grade of 75%).

IMPORTANT All HW and the programming project is to be done indivdually. You may consult the instructor or the TA but you may NOT consult with anyone else (including classmates, friends, parents, etc...).

Class links



Previous Exams and HWs

HW Assignments

Project Assignments (including Project guidelines)

