5/5 - Sydney, Brisbane

Next morning, it was raining in Sydney, but we were leaving for Brisbane, where it was sunny and warm. After our flight to Brisbane, we took the train from the Brisbane airport to the Roma Street Station. We then rolled our bags a short distance to the Explorers Inn Hotel. We had booked these lodgings ourselves and opted for an inexpensive, centrally located hotel. The modest room was clean but one of the door locks and the window lock were broken and there were some ominous oil drops in the elevator.

Our daughter was enrolled this semester at the University of Queensland, and we met her in the evening on the City Cat for a quick jaunt across the river to the South Bank. Brisbane is locate on the winding Brisbane River, and one of the best ways to get around town is to take the City Cat ferry. Besides being inexpensive and running promptly and frequently, it also avoids traffic and gives a nice view of the city's well-kept environs.

Our hotel was in a section of the city north of the river about four short blocks from a ferry stop. The next stop down stream was the South Bank, a park area that included an extensive lagoon (swimming and waterplay area), a Buddist pagoda, and lots of space for walking or sitting within view of the river. Nearby were many restaurants and shops.

Our daughter took the ferry in from her apartment up river and we joined her for the short trip to South Bank. Unfortunately, we had all forgotten that the 5th of May in Queensland is Labor Day, and restaurants were either closed or charged a 15% surcharge. Fortunately we were able to find the nearby Kapsali Taverna restaurant, which was open. We had a nice reunion meal before using the City Cat to return to our respective abodes for the evening.