package context.arch.interpreter; import context.arch.subscriber.Subscriber; import context.arch.comm.DataObject; import; import; import context.arch.util.ContextTypes; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; /** * This class is an interpreter that converts iButton ids to names. * Another component (app/widget/interpreter) sends an interpret command * to it with an ibutton id, and this class returns the corresponding name. * * @see context.arch.interpreter.Interpreter */ public class IIButton2Name extends Interpreter { /** * Debug flag. Set to true to see debug messages. */ private static final boolean DEBUG = false; /** * Name of interpreter */ public static final String CLASSNAME = "IButton2Name"; /** * Tag for iButton id */ public static final String IBUTTONID = ContextTypes.IBUTTONID; /** * Tag for username */ public static final String USERNAME = ContextTypes.USERNAME; /** * String for Anind Dey */ public static final String ANIND = "Anind Dey"; /** * String for Daniel Salber */ public static final String SALBER = "Daniel Salber"; /** * String for Gregory Abowd */ public static final String ABOWD = "Gregory Abowd"; /** * String for Jason Brotherton */ public static final String BROTHERT = "Jason Brotherton"; /** * String for Khai Truong */ public static final String KHAI = "Khai Truong"; /** * String for Jen Mankoff */ public static final String JMANKOFF = "Jen Mankoff"; /** * String for Robert Orr */ public static final String RJO = "Rob Orr"; /** * String for David Nguyen */ public static final String DNGUYEN = "David Nguyen"; /** * String for Rob Kooper */ public static final String KOOPER = "Rob Kooper"; /** * String for Maria Pimentel */ public static final String MGP = "Maria Pimentel"; /** * String for Futakawa */ public static final String FUTAKAWA = "Futakawa"; /** * String for Ishiguro */ public static final String ISHIGURO = "Ishiguro"; /** * String for Brad Singletary */ public static final String BAS = "Brad Singletary"; /** * String for Kent Lyons */ public static final String KENT = "Kent Lyons"; /** * String for Vishal Dalal */ public static final String VISHAL = "Vishal Dalal"; /** * String for Dummbo */ public static final String DUMMBO = "Dummbo"; private Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); /** * Constructor that creates the interpreter at the default port. It sets * the id of the this interpreter to CLASSNAME. */ public IIButton2Name() { this(DEFAULT_PORT); } /** * Constructor that creates the interpreter at the given port. It sets * the id of the this interpreter to CLASSNAME. */ public IIButton2Name(int port) { super(port); setId(CLASSNAME); hash.put("16AC850600000044", ANIND); hash.put("166F3C060000003E", SALBER); hash.put("16F78206000000C3", ABOWD); hash.put("161B4206000000B5", KHAI); hash.put("1681400600000048", BROTHERT); hash.put("16A640060000007B", JMANKOFF); hash.put("16C78708000000E9", RJO); hash.put("16D78C08000000C2", DNGUYEN); hash.put("16748D080000000A", MGP); hash.put("165D8E0800000064", FUTAKAWA); hash.put("16148B0800000055", ISHIGURO); hash.put("16A58E08000000B7", BAS); hash.put("16CF8F0800000076",KENT); hash.put("16ED870800000090",VISHAL); } /** * This method performs the actual interpretation of this component. * It takes an iButton id and returns a user name. * * @param data AttributeNameValues containing data to be interpreted * @return AttributeNameValues object containing the interpreted data */ protected AttributeNameValues interpretData(AttributeNameValues data) { String buttonid = (String)data.getAttributeNameValue(IBUTTONID).getValue(); String name = (String)hash.get(buttonid); if (name == null) { return null; } AttributeNameValues atts = new AttributeNameValues(); atts.addAttributeNameValue(USERNAME,name); return atts; } /** * Sets the incoming attributes for the interpreter. It has only * one: IBUTTONID. * * @return the incoming attributes for this interpreter */ protected Attributes setInAttributes() { Attributes atts = new Attributes(); atts.addAttribute(IBUTTONID); return atts; } /** * Sets the outgoing attributes for the interpreter. It has only * one: USERNAME. * * @return the outgoing attributes for this interpreter */ protected Attributes setOutAttributes() { Attributes atts = new Attributes(); atts.addAttribute(USERNAME); return atts; } /** * Main method to create this interpreter with port specified by * command line arguments */ public static void main(String argv[]) { if (argv.length == 0) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Attempting to create a IIButton2Name on "+DEFAULT_PORT); } IIButton2Name iib2n = new IIButton2Name(); } else if (argv.length == 1) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Attempting to create a IIButton2Name on "+argv[0]); } IIButton2Name iib2n = new IIButton2Name(Integer.parseInt(argv[0])); } else { System.out.println("USAGE: java context.arch.interpreter.IIButton2Name [port]"); } } }