Software Architecture Analysis

Sponsor Gregory Abowd
380 CRB and 240 CCB
Area HCI, Software Engineering and Future Computing Environments

The Software Architecture Analysis Method (SAAM) is a structured method for understanding the high-level organization of a software system and determining the impact of requirements changes on that structure. SAAM was developed by Dr. Abowd and colleagues at the Software Engineering Institute and it continues to be a focus for the DARPA-sponsored MORALE project at Georgia Tech. In this project, you are asked to learn about SAAM and to perform a SAAM evaluation on a particular evolving system within the Future Computing Environments Group. Specifically, you are asked to perform a SAAM evaluation of the ZenPad system used in Classroom 2000 as it is being evolved to meet more and different needs.


You will conduct some of the SAAM exercise with Dr. Abowd and will determine with him agreeable evaluation criteria.