The following is a song by Brian Postow, written last Tuesday. The Recursive Fruitbat of FOO ----------------------------- Follow the way of the FOO, Follow the way of the FOO, Follow, follow follow, follow, follow the way of the FOO, We're off to see the fruitbat, the recursive fruitbat of FOO We hear it is a recursive bat, if ever a bat there was. if ever a recursive bat there was, the fruitbat of FOO is one because, becuase because because because becaaaaaaaaaause, because because because because (la data tadata tada tada) We're off to see the fruitbat, the recursive fruitbat of FOO, the recursive fruitbat of FOO the recursive fruitbat of recursive fruitbat of recursive fruitbat of recursive fruitbat of recursive fruitbat of recursive fruitbat of recursive fruitbat of recursive fruitbat of ... etc