How to Recognize Me

First of all, I'm Chinese. That ought to narrow your search down a bit.


Well, I've got straight black hair and I wear glasses.

Still not enough? (Gee -- maybe we do all look the same.)

I guess you could look for these:
This is the necklace that was given to me by my grandmother (paternal side) for my twenty-first birthday. The symbols engraved on either side of the coin are different, and represent, alternately, blessings for prosperity and health, and protection/safety when travelling abroad.

This is a black-and-white plaid scarf given to me by my great-aunt, whose birthday mine precedes by exactly one day (she always chides me for not having had the patience to wait an extra day). If it looks particularly warm and fuzzy, it's because it is.

I always make sure I'm wearing the right trousers.

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