Fwd: mobilis, Nov. issue

Terry Harpold (tharpold@netdepot.com)
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 08:26:04 -0500

Pretty good articles on the Newton OS 2.0 and the new Sony (Magic Link)


The November issue of mobilis: the mobile computing lifestyle
magazine is now available. mobilis is a monthly magazine that
features interviews, tutorials, reviews, and opinion concerning all
aspects of PDAs, wireless communication, and mobile peripherals.

mobilis is accessible through the World Wide Web. The URL is:
mobilis: the mobile computing lifestyle magazine

The table of contents for the November issue is:

- First Looks: Introducing Apple Computer's Newton 2.0
Operating System
- mobilis Reader's Choice Awards: Participate in the First
Bi-annual Online Awards Survey
- I Can See Clearly Now...Introducing Sony's Magic Link

- Hardware Review: Hewlett-Packard OmniGo 100
- Software Review: Ragout for the Newton

What's New
- Mobile Watch (hardware, software, communication)
- NEC Shows Off Multimedia Handheld Viewer
- IBM Debuts Palmtop in Japan
- One Gigabit Memory Chip Coming
- Calling All PDA Developers
- Fax Software at Last! (Psion)
- Enhanced Spreadsheet for Newton 2.0
- CDMA Shows its Stuff
- Wireless Email Travels Like the Wynd
- Paging Set to Increase 200% in Europe
- Ask Ms. PDA ?!? (questions and answers about mobile

- Viewpoint - Ideas About Building a Consumer PDA
- Mailbag
- Highlights in this issue
- About mobilis
- Guide to Advertisers
- mobilis Jargon Index
- Next issue of mobilis
- mobilis Electronic Mailing Lists
- Interested in writing for mobilis?

Terry Harpold "What is the use of a book," thought Alice,
"without pictures or conversations?"
terry_harpold@attpls.net -- Lewis Carroll, _Alice in Wonderland_