Future Computing Environments PARTY!!

Gregory Abowd (abowd@cc.gatech.edu)
Mon, 22 Jan 1996 18:11:21 -0500

Chris and I have been wanting to host a party this quarter to get all of the people
together who have been contributing to various aspects of the Future Computing
Environments effort (weekly seminar, Cyberguide, Classroom 2000, Shadow, CyberNag).

So, we are proud to announce the First (some periodic adjective as yet to be determined)
FCE Bowling Party!


Thursday is the day for the FCE seminar from 4:30-6pm. At 6pm, we will host a pizza
party in the Darts Lab. All are welcome.

We have reserved 6 lanes at the bowling alley in the Student Center from 7-9pm. Come
anytime during that period and bowl as much as you want. Shoes and games are on us.

Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the bowling until around 8:15, at which time I
will challenge all comers to 10 frames of bowling. :)

Hope to see you all there!

Gregory (and Chris)
Gregory D. Abowd, Assistant Professor Gregory.Abowd@cc.gatech.edu
College of Computing Phone: 404-894-7512
Georgia Institute of Technology FAX: 404-894-9442
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280

URL http://www.cc.gatech.edu/fac/Gregory.Abowd