does anyone have the OmniPen digitizing tablet?

Gregory Abowd (
Fri, 12 Apr 1996 00:48:45 -0400

I loaned the OmniPen tablet to somebody and I cannot remember who.

I know I gave it to Dietmar, but I think he might have given it
back to me and I loaned it to somebody else (Nick?). Anyway, if
you have it, please let me know. I'd like to loan it to some

By the way, remember that silly little Slide Scribbling applet?
Well, it just dawned on me that it would be equally trivial to
extend it to work for an entire lecture. Starting with Mikiya's
frame-based presentation, all I have to do is replace the contents
of the large single slide frame with the SlideScriblle applet that
loads that slide in and presto, it's done!

All that remains is to be able to record time-stamped pen strokes to a
file, but I now think that is a pretty straightforward task. Convert
penstrokes into a GIF path, superimpose it on top of the original
slide and then a simple pixmap gives you audio links at a finer level
of granularity. Voila! JavaPad.


Gregory D. Abowd, Assistant Professor
College of Computing Phone: 404-894-7512
Georgia Institute of Technology FAX: 404-894-9442
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280