thanks for the update on C2000

Gregory Abowd (
Fri, 04 Oct 1996 08:59:37 -0400

Sounds like everything went OK yesterday. I received updates from
Jason, Dale and Paul. In turn:

Jason, Thanks for getting Classpad up and running. Any encouraging
news on the speed of response on slide changes or appearance of
fonts on the projected Classpad? Let me clarify the PC rumors for
you. I have ordered two PCs and I have not decided where to put them.

Dale, contact Toshiba about the pen batteries issue and about the
apparently dead Toshiba unit. David Chow has one more unit that he
is going to return to us today. What is the status to of the 730T tablets?

Paul, I need to get a clear picture from you and Mikol about what audio
equipment remains to be purchased. We still don't have a wireless mic
or a mixer, correct? Call me at home Saturday morning after about 11am.

Let's plan for another dry-run Monday afternoon, depending on Jason's
schedule, probably around 5pm. Before then I would like to meet or talk
over the phone with each of Paul, Dale, Jason, Mikol and Ami to get
updates on status.

Gregory D. Abowd, Assistant Professor
College of Computing Phone: 404-894-7512
Georgia Institute of Technology FAX: 404-894-9442
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280