Re: Thanks to demo-ers and tomorrow's plan

Dale Everett (
Wed, 09 Oct 1996 00:33:08 -0400

Gregory Abowd wrote:

> Now, we are set for another dry-run tomorrow (Wednesday) at 4pm. We
> have all of the audio equipment in a traveling case. Dale and Valerie will take
> care of setting up the Toshibas.

I have class until 4pm. I'll try to have all the software loaded and
have the Toshiba's lined up and ready so Valerie shouldn't have any
trouble. Do we have slides to put on? Perhaps I can do that on my
lunch break. I'll probably just be a little late for the run.


"Nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in contradiction to
what we know of it."
  --Dana Scully, X Files