Minutes 10.14.96

Mikol Graves (diggs@cc.gatech.edu)
Thu, 17 Oct 1996 11:50:42 -0400 (EDT)

Minutes for Classroom 2000 Meeting 10.14.96

5:09 :

Wendy spoke about Industrial Engineering's involvement with the Live
Board project. The Live Board people are interested in developing a
marketing program for Live Board sales to higher education institutions.
So the Live Board people are looking to IE and ID to answer the question
'How would a professor of X-subject use a Live Board?" They want IE and
ID to develop a suite of tools (applications?) that would be useful in
conjunction with the Live Board for the various disciplines that have
pedagogical goals that could be facilitated by Live Board use. The
marketing people see the IE's and ID's undertakings as bridging the gap
between the technologist market share that buys and uses tech for fetish
or visionary purposes, and the larger market share of pragmatists that
must be shown the efficacy of Live Board technology before they will
purchase and use it.

5:22 :

Mikol and Paul spoke about the statistics that are being tracked this
quarter. It seems that sufficient RealAudio statistics exist in
RealAudio logs, but would require processing via scripts. Paul indicated
that Mikiya has more experience writing such scripts, and that he needs
to either talk to, or work with, Mikiya. Mikol was still concerned about
completing the interface prototype so that it could be combined with
Pauls processing scripts before live note taking happens on Tuesday, and
had few ideas about statistical tracking for the note taker.

5:34 :

A short discussion about script interaction between the new interface and
Paul's current set of scripts. The conclusion was that Paul is waiting
on a complete version of the interface.

5:36 :

Extended discussion of the new Interface. We concentrated on details
such as visibly marking important audio links. ASCII is the only option
for marking audio links at this point in time (e.g., ! 13:24 !) because
of the presentation scheme adopted for audio links in the new interface.
We discussed the addition of Student and Instructor radio buttons to
allow student viewing of instructor notes while in the editor interface,
which would eliminate the need for a read only interface. Basic
familiarization with the interface was done for Ron Hutchinson (sp?).

5:47 :

Discussion of passwording schemes for student directories. Does the
Apache server use the same .htaccess scheme as NCSA httpd server?
Conclusion: needs investigation.

Mikol Graves (diggs@cc.gatech.edu)