Re: CS 6751 Web stuff

Jason Alan Brotherton (
Wed, 30 Oct 1996 00:27:31 -0500 (EST)


> The only notes that are available from
> the class Web page are the "old style" notes, and from Laura's

Right before your big table is two hyper links-

Perform search on slides
Go to your notebook

Just like we discussed in class today... it brings you to the
screen where you verify who you are, and then get a list
of all the people and notes... You can change your password,
or look at your slides.

Don't know if it's 'sposed to be there, but it is...


PS. OS was a meanie. Those people were in a bad mood making
that exam... The Comp. Arch. was just what I expected.
Funny thing is, I think I have a better chance of passing
Comp. Arch. then OS. Really starting to bear down
on Algs- bracing for the worst. Thank you for your understanding,
it is appreciated.