Grad/Faculty Tea

Grad/Faculty Tea is a weekly gathering of graduate students and faculty. The intention of this meeting is to bring together individuals from all of the different areas to exchange ideas. The incentive for coming (if idea exchange is not sufficient) is free food. The money for this food is provided by the industry sponsors, and the actual food is selected and served by a volunteer. Grad/Faculty Tea hosts receive an immortal place of honor in the "Hall of Hero(ine)s".
Currently, Grad/Faculty Tea is held on Wednesday at 4:00pm in the GVU Commons Area, unless there is a conflict. Below is a list of scheduled Grad/Faculty Teas for this quarter. Volunteers are rounded up by the Grad/Faculty Tea Coordinator, Mike Cramer ( mjcramer@cc). Send email to him to volunteer for an empty Grad/Faculty Tea day. Look here for the instructions for hosting a tea. Please send any comments or suggestions to the Grad/Faculty Tea Coordinator.

Spring 1999 Grad/Faculty Teas

Date Hero(ine)s Theme Sponsor (Contact)
4/22* Drew Steedly and the CPL Pasta and Ice Cream No sponser
4/28 Zhiruo Cao Chinese No sponser
5/5 Idris Hsi and Zack Kurmas Death by Chocolate No sponser
5/12 Fabian Bustamente and Minaxi Gupta Blimpie Subs No sponser
5/26 Matt Sanders and the NTG
Indian No Sponser
6/2 Scott McCrickard The Year-End Blowout! No sponser
* - indicates tea is not at usual time and/or day due to conflict

Page maintained by: Mike Cramer