Hechen Li


Hi! I am a first-year Computer Science PhD student at the School of Computational Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. I am supervised by Dr. Xiuwei Zhang. My research focuses on simulating and analyzing single-cell transcriptomics data using statistical and machine learning methods. I am especially interested in integrating multimodal data (scRNA-seq, scATAC-seq, spatially resolved transcriptomics) and unifying different methods (lineage reconstruction and trajectory inference). My current project is an in silico multi-modality simulator for single-cells data called scMultiSim.

I received my BSc. in Computer Science from City University of Hong Kong, where I also worked as a Research Assistant supervised by Dr. Shuai Cheng Li. At CityU I mainly developed methods for interactive visualization of bioinformatics data.


* equal contribution


I enjoy coding. My favourite programming languages are JavaScript, Swift, Ruby and C. You may find these projects interesting:


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