This is a FAQ for new students to Gatech.


If you are willing to take the effort and or like to cook yourself then you will probably end up saving a lot of money and eating better than most students. Don't worry about bringing spices, pots, and pans and so on with you. Just about everything you need is available in the indian stores here. You can even get indian vegetables at the farmers market. It get very cold here in fall and winter so you will be better of packing an extra sweater or heavy jacket instead of pots and pans.


This is a big question for many people. There are two options on-campus or off-campus. For on-campus housing you need to contact the Housing Dept. There are appartment style suites which are new and really nice for about $ 1100 per quarter. If this fits in with your budget then it is probably the most convenient option. There are also smaller two-person rooms for about $750 per quarter but this is not a good idea if you want to cook or really need privacy,because they have common bathrooms and kitchens!

Most indians live in appartments close to campus in an area known as Homepark. It's a bit cheaper, there's more privacy and you have more flexibility in chosing roomates. Be warned though, there is no guarantee that you will find a good place. Plan to arrive about a week before classes begin and be prepared to do some appartment hunting.


Most grad students ask if they should bring books and which books to bring... Books are extremely expensive here so if you have some good references and have space do bring them. I'm sorry I can't name specific books, I will try to get a list of grad students in each department so that you can get in touch with them. To give you an idea, textbooks on average cost about $50-60 For undergraduates too, if you have a good reference book for calculus or Physics, Chemistry, it may be useful to have in the first year.


There is a public transportation system known as MARTA, consisting of two trains lines and various buses. It's a good system but not very convenient. It really helps to have a car or at least a friend with a car. There is a shuttle service to the grocery store on Sundays provided by Gatech but it won't take you to the indian stores. All I can say is you should make some friends here as soon as you can. Even if you don't plan to buy a car or drive in Atlanta, make sure you get an international drivers license. If you don't know how to drive take lessons BEFORE you come here ( here lessons would cost you about $50/hour). It will make it easier for you to get a GA. drivers license which you will need for identification if nothing else... For example most places won't take checks unless you show a valid drivers license.


Speaking of friends, the students at Gatech are very friendly and helpful and do whatever they can to help the new student settle in. If you send me details of your travel plans I can arrange to have you met at the airport or wherever and we can even put you up until you find a place to stay.


Medical assistance is expensive here. Gatech has an infirmary which you pay for through your fees. They can provide basic care, but for a major illness or injury you would have to go to a hospital. Gatech requires you to have supplementary insurance for yourself and your dependants, they offer a policy for about $460/ year but you are free to find your own. This policy and most other insurance plans do not cover dentist and opticians services. If you wear glasses bring your prescription and 2 or 3 pairs of extra glasses. Even if you have a prescription a new pair of glasses will cost you $100-200 at least. Also get your teeth checked before you come here. I know it sounds ridiculous but last month I had to have five fillings done and it cost me $350 so be warned.

I hope this has been helpful to you. If you have further questions feel free to ask.

Rishi Gogate 326521 Gatech Station Atlanta, Ga 30332-1115

(404) 206-1817, (404) 894-2805 e-mail: