Photo of me

Thomas Papastergiou

Address: KACB Lab 3201
Phone: (+1) 404-936-1960

I am a 1st year PhD student at School of Computer Science in College of Computing, at Georgia Tech. Currently i am advised by prof. Constantine Dovrolis. I got my undergraduate degree from School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at National Technical University of Athens, Greece.

Research Interests

I am mostly interested in the intersection of machine learning, network science and neuroscience. Network science can be used to enhance our machine learning intuition and ideas from neuroscience can be implemented to create systems that behave like the human brain.


Thomas Papastergiou, Lazaros Papadopoulos and Dimitrios Soudris, Platform-aware Dynamic Data Type Refinement Methodology for Radix Tree Data Structures , in SAMOS XV conference, Greece, July 20-23, 2015. [PDF]


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