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GVU Research Showcase Spring 2022

Featured Projects

As the COVID-19 pandemic causes models of healthcare to rapidly shift and as it introduces widespread economic and social stressors, there is a vital need for innovations that help expecting women and new mothers manage their mental health. We take a mixed methods approach to examining pregnant and postpartum Black women in the US focused on understanding how technology can support their mental health concerns during the pandemic.
A multi-agent AI that incorporates elements of the human visual perception theory and is capable of co-creating non-representational art with a human collaborator on the web.
We present our work on computing an average curve given a set of planar input curves, with select applications. This work, to be soon presented at the Symposium on Geometric and Physical Modeling, provides a mathematical formulation and a fast algorithm for the problem of finding an average curve, given a set of input curves. Applications in the field of animation and statistical analysis are highlighted.


About GVU

23 Core Areas
300 Researchers
250 Current
80 Partners
$9 Million in Grants


GVU Resource Labs


App Lab

App Lab

Built for Success

A mobile computing "hackerspace."
Visit the App Lab website

Location: TSRB 333

GVU Prototyping Lab

GVU Prototyping Lab

From Concept to Creation

A rapid prototyping "makerspace."
Visit the Prototyping Lab website

Location: TSRB Basement

GVU Craft Lab

GVU Craft Lab

Making for All

A soft-goods "makerspace."
Visit the Craft Lab website

Location: TSRB 225B

Usability Lab

Usability Lab

Testing Methods and Technology

An adaptable project testing space.
Visit the Usability Lab website

Location: TSRB 216