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GVU Research Showcase Spring 2022

Featured Projects

In collaboration with policial science researchers from Georgia State University and University at Albany, we are developing augmented reality-based experiments to examine the impact of grievance, opportunity and risk as motivating factors when choosing to engage in political protest or terrorism. Study participants assume the role of a fictional ethnic minority in a fictional country and engage in dialogs with virtual characters that attempt to persude the participant to join a peaceful student-led protest or join a violent resistance movement.
A feasibility study for smart speaker based cognitive tracking interfaces
Fantasy Sports allow users to compete against each other using statistics from real-world competitions. It's a fun and social online game which allows participants to assemble virtual teams of real world athletes of a professional sport. These teams compete based on the performance of their players in the real world. The team gains or loses points based on the real athletes' weekly performance. Fantasy players manage their teams based on real sports data.


About GVU

23 Core Areas
300 Researchers
250 Current
80 Partners
$9 Million in Grants


GVU Resource Labs


App Lab

App Lab

Built for Success

A mobile computing "hackerspace."
Visit the App Lab website

Location: TSRB 333

GVU Prototyping Lab

GVU Prototyping Lab

From Concept to Creation

A rapid prototyping "makerspace."
Visit the Prototyping Lab website

Location: TSRB Basement

GVU Craft Lab

GVU Craft Lab

Making for All

A soft-goods "makerspace."
Visit the Craft Lab website

Location: TSRB 225B

Usability Lab

Usability Lab

Testing Methods and Technology

An adaptable project testing space.
Visit the Usability Lab website

Location: TSRB 216