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GVU Research Showcase Spring 2022

Featured Projects

Washing hands is one of the easiest yet most effective ways to prevent spreading illnesses and diseases. However, not adhering to thorough handwashing routines is a substantial problem worldwide. For example, in hospital operations lack of hygiene leads to healthcare associated infections. We present WristWash, a wrist-worn sensing platform that integrates an inertial measurement unit and a Hidden Markov Model-based analysis method that enables automated assessments of handwashing routines according to recommendations provided by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The StudentLife project has been developing ways to combine multiple streams of data about student habits into meaningful holistic analyses of individual's well-being. Communicating those results to a student population poses a challenge to provide information in a legible form and provide meaningful and helpful, and importantly not harmful, feedback to enable students to improve their well-being.
This project aims to reduce the barriers present in grandchild-grandparent communication by developing a messaging tool which encourages users to exchange tidbits from each of their lives, cultures, and generations. Additionally, this tool can be used by users who are hard of hearing or who have a language barrier.


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23 Core Areas
300 Researchers
250 Current
80 Partners
$9 Million in Grants


GVU Resource Labs


App Lab

App Lab

Built for Success

A mobile computing "hackerspace."
Visit the App Lab website

Location: TSRB 333

GVU Prototyping Lab

GVU Prototyping Lab

From Concept to Creation

A rapid prototyping "makerspace."
Visit the Prototyping Lab website

Location: TSRB Basement

GVU Craft Lab

GVU Craft Lab

Making for All

A soft-goods "makerspace."
Visit the Craft Lab website

Location: TSRB 225B

Usability Lab

Usability Lab

Testing Methods and Technology

An adaptable project testing space.
Visit the Usability Lab website

Location: TSRB 216