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GVU Research Showcase Spring 2022

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The Grand Palace is a Chinese history simulation game exploring an educational strategy of representing a complex political system in a specific historical period. In this game, interactors play as an emperor in the imperial age of China, who needs to seek supporters in the court to prepare for war. The simulation represents the bureaucratic structure of the imperial court and the political threats an emperor might face. The goal is to educate the interactors about the strategies an emperor can use to maintain his power.
As time has gone by, research has pointed out that there remains skepticism in the community when it comes to using such tools that are focused around automating parts of the data discovery process. As my research as well as previous research has shown, practitioners prefer using traditional tools over newer tools, even if it involves more manual effort and time. The workflows that many data scientists follow today, do not completely utilize the new capabilities that are available to them through ML/AI.
This project is centered around Georgia Tech's IT Service Management Platform. The problem space revolves around inconsistencies in knowledge articles. My solution was a design system tailored for an audience with low technical expertise.


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GVU Resource Labs


App Lab

App Lab

Built for Success

A mobile computing "hackerspace."
Visit the App Lab website

Location: TSRB 333

GVU Prototyping Lab

GVU Prototyping Lab

From Concept to Creation

A rapid prototyping "makerspace."
Visit the Prototyping Lab website

Location: TSRB Basement

GVU Craft Lab

GVU Craft Lab

Making for All

A soft-goods "makerspace."
Visit the Craft Lab website

Location: TSRB 225B

Usability Lab

Usability Lab

Testing Methods and Technology

An adaptable project testing space.
Visit the Usability Lab website

Location: TSRB 216