Index of all Fields and Methods
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Index of all Fields and Methods


buildFlags(Message). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Display
Build a list of flags for this mail message
buildList(String, int). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Util
This function walks over a string to build up a list
buildShortFrom(Message). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Display
Build a short form of a mail address that a mail message is from.


CHECK(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
This function is called to get the server to (posibly) checkpoint its state, if that is necesary.
CLOSE(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
CLOSE causes a mailbox to go away.
connect(String). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Protocol
Connect to server.
COPY(int, String). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
This function is called to COPY a message from one mailbox to another.
CREATE(String). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Connection
This function creates a new mailbox.
createThenRenameThenDelete(Connection). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Driver
Function to demo how to use CREATE and RENAME.


decodeBase64(String). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.MIME
Given a string, give us the BASE64 decoding of it as a string.
decodeUnitBase64(byte[], int, byte[], int). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.MIME
Thie function will convert an array of input data to an array of output data, one unit at a time.
DELETE(String). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Connection
This command PERMANENTLY removes a mailbox.
Display(). Constructor for class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Display
displayBody(String, int). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Display
Print the body of a text message on the terminal
displayHeaders(Mailbox). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Display
Display the headers of your mail
displayMessage(Connection, int). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Display
This is the function that displays a mail message.
displayStructure(BodyPart, int, int). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Display
Print message structure out on the terminal
Driver(). Constructor for class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Driver


EXAMINE(String). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Connection
Examine a mailbox (i.e.
EXPUNGE(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
This function is called to actual delete all the messages in the mailbox with the \Deleted flag set.


FETCH(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.BodyPart
Grab the data for this part from the server via the FETCH message.
FETCH(int). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
Another version of FETCH() which takes an integer.
FETCH(String). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
Fetch a mail message from the mailbox.
findExtension(String). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.MIME
Find a filename extension, given a mime type/subtype.
flushCache(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
This is a function you can call when you want to flush the cache by hand.


getAttributes(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.BodyPart
Get a vector of attributes about the body part.
getBCC(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Get the value of the bcc field.
getBodyPart(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Get the BodyPart object that corresponds to the main (first) portion of this message.
getCC(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Get the value of the cc field.
getConnection(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Protocol
Get the connection object associated with this protocol object.
getData(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.BodyPart
Retreive the text of this body part as a string.
getDate(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Get the date of this message.
getDescription(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.BodyPart
Get the descriptive string about this bodypart.
getEmbeddedMessage(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.BodyPart
This function gets the Message object that is embedded in this object, if it has one.
getEncoding(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.BodyPart
Get the encoding of this body part.
getExists(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
This function returns the size of the mailbox in messages.
getFirstChild(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.BodyPart
Get the first child of this BodyPart.
getFlags(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
This function gets the current list of flags on this mailbox.
getFlags(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Get the flags that are set for this message.
getFrom(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Get the value of the from field.
getHostname(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.MailAddress
Fetch the hostname of a MailAddress
getIdentifier(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.BodyPart
Get the MIME identifier of this body part.
getInReplyTo(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Get the In-Reply-To line of this mesage.
getInteresting(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.MailboxName
This function returns the value of the interesting boolean Remember, servers are not required to implement this, so this may always be false.
getIO(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Protocol
Get the IO object associated with this connection.
getLine(). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Util
Utility function to read a line of text from the terminal.
getMailbox(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Connection
This function returns the current mailbox.
getMailbox(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Get the mailbox this message is in.
getMailboxName(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.MailAddress
Fetch the mailbox name of a MailAddress
getMailboxNames(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Connection
This function returns a vector of MailboxNames (although you'll have to cast them to get them out.
getMessage(int). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
Get a message from the message cache.
getMessageID(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Get the Message ID of this mesage.
getMIMESubType(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.BodyPart
Get the MIME subtype of this message as a string.
getMIMEType(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.BodyPart
Get the MIME type of this message as a string.
getName(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.MailboxName
This function returns the name of the mailbox.
getNextSibling(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.BodyPart
Get the next sibling of this body part.
getPartNumber(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.BodyPart
Gets the IMAP part number of a message.
getPermanentFlags(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
This function gets the current list of flags that you can modify permanently on this mailbox.
getPersonalName(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.MailAddress
Fetch the personal name of a MailAddress.
getRecent(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
This function returns the number of "recent" messages in a mailbox.
getReplyTo(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Get the value of the reply-to field.
getSelectable(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.MailboxName
This function returns the value of the selectable boolean
getSender(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Get the value of the sender field.
getSize(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Get the size of the message in bytes.
getSourceRoute(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.MailAddress
Fetch the source route of a MailAddress.
getSubject(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Get the subject line of this message.
getTo(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Get the value of the to field.


IMAPException(String). Constructor for class GIT.GVU.IMAP.IMAPException
Constructs a IMAPException with the specified detail message.
InternalErr(String). Constructor for class GIT.GVU.IMAP.InternalErr
Constructs a InternalErr with the specified detail message.
isReadOnly(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
This function tells you if this mailbox is readonly or not.


LIST(String, String). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Connection
List the available mailboxes on this connection.
listMailboxes(Connection). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Driver
Function to demo how to list the mailboxes.
login(Protocol). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Driver
Perform the login procedure
LOGIN(String, String). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Protocol
Login with a connection to the IMAP server.
LOGOUT(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Protocol
Logout of an IMAP server.
lookingAt(String, String). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Util
Checks to see if the string s2 is the prefix of s1


MailAddress(String, String, String, String). Constructor for class GIT.GVU.IMAP.MailAddress
Construct an MailAddress from the four strings present in the IMAP 4 protocol.
main(String[]). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Driver
mainloop(Connection, Protocol). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Driver
This is the system's main loop...
makeWidth(String, int). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Util
formats a string to a particular width
Message(Vector, int, String, String, Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector, String, String, Mailbox, int). Constructor for class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Construct a message object.
MIME(). Constructor for class GIT.GVU.IMAP.MIME


NOOP(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Protocol
This command is used to "do nothing" to the server.
Notify(). Constructor for class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Notify


parseAddresses(Vector). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Util
This function takes a Vector which it assumes is a vector of vectors.
parseString(String, int). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Util
Given a string and a position, return the string (atom or quoted string) or list (as a vector) that this string parses into.
parseStringList(String). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Util
This function takes in a list (q.v.
PARTIAL(int, int). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.BodyPart
This call is identical to the FETCH() command but only grabs part of the data.
Protocol(). Constructor for class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Protocol
Create a protocol object.


readonly. Variable in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
Variable to hold our readonly state.
removeParsingData(Vector). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Util
This function strips out the extra elements a list that are created by the parsing routines.
RENAME(String, String). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Connection
This command renames a mailbox.
replyToken(Vector, String). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Util
Checks a vector to see if the last element in the vector has a string as the second token in the vector's last element.
run(String, Object). Method in interface GIT.GVU.IMAP.AsynchronousAction
This method gets called by the toolkit to inform you to perform some asynchronous action.
run(String, Object). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Notify
This is the function that gets called when AsynchronousAction objects end up getting used.


SELECT(String). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Connection
Select a mailbox for use on this connection.
setBodyPart(BodyPart). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
Set the body part associated with this message.
setByeAction(AsynchronousAction). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Protocol
This lets you set the object that gets called if we get the BYE message from the server.
setExpungeAction(AsynchronousAction). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
This function sets the Aysnch.Action object which is associated with EXPUNGE messages.
setRecentAction(AsynchronousAction). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Mailbox
This function sets up a callback AsynchronousAction which gets invoked whenever new mail is received.
STORE(String, Object). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Message
This function causes the flag set of a message to change.
stringInVector(Vector, String). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Util
This function determines if a given string is in a list of strings that are encoded in a vector.


toString(). Method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.MailAddress
Convert to a string to make debugging a little easier.


Util(). Constructor for class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Util


writeMIME(BodyPart, FileOutputStream, String, int). Static method in class GIT.GVU.IMAP.Tests.Driver
This function writes out a MIME message as HTML to a file.