Robert W. Sumner

"I'm a fourth year undergraduate student at Georgia Tech studying computer science. I spend my days and nights working in the Animation Lab, which is part of the Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Lab. Over the last few years I've discovered that I'm very interested in computer graphics and animation. I enjoy the thought of simulating the world around us, of discovering the mathematical beauty that is hidden behind a tree or a flower or even a painting. Computer simulation can be used to create animations that have a subtle and simple beauty. What is so appealing to me is the idea that hidden behind the animation of, for example, a flower blooming is really sophisticated mathematics and hours of CPU time. The most exciting part is that my technical skills provide such a rich medium for my creative ability. I'm not limited by the two dimensions of a painting, or even the three dimensions of a sculpture. Computer science and animation provide a richer medium for expression than I've found anywhere else."


Sand Simulation

Robotic Scrabble

Genetic Fractals

Computer Vision

I've worked on some interesting projects while I've been a student at Georgia Tech. Currently all my efforts are directed toward the development of a sand simulation which captures the motion of sand as objects push into it. A link to the sand project, as well as some other fun ones are included above.

I've included some photos of myself, friends, and family. I just scanned lots that I took while I was skiing in Breckenridge, Colorado with two of my friends.

If you are interested, please take a look at my resume in PDF or PostScript format.

Contace information:
Bob Sumner
324658 GT Station
Atlanta, GA 30332-1020

(404) 817-9466