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College of Architecture
image of Bill Curtis

Bill Curtis, M.S.

Research Scientist I / Multimedia Developer,
College of Architecture

Bill Curtis received a B.F.A. degree with a concentration in exhibition design, graphic arts, and computer arts from The Atlanta College of Art and an M.S. in Information Design and Technology from Georgia Tech.

From 1986 through 1992, Bill was a very active artist and curator/designer of art exhibitions for a variety of audiences. In the early 90's, Bill began a deep exploration into the world of interactive media systems development. He worked as a presentation media developer, technical documentation specialist, and administrative facilitator for large global systems plans and architectures at The Coca-Cola Company. From Fall 1996 through May 1998, Bill continued his professional development by attending the graduate program and receiving an M.S. Degree in Information Design and Technology at Georgia Tech's School of Literature Communication, and Culture.

Bill is currently a Research Scientist and Multimedia Developer at the Center for Rehabilitation Technology within the College of Architecture. Current projects involve the conceptualization, design and development of interactive learning systems focused on supporting both teachers and students of Adult Basic Education (ABE) and people with disabilities.

Contact information:

    Bill Curtis
    Graphics, Visualization & Usability Center
    College of Computing
    801 Atlantic Drive
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280
    E-mail: bill.curtis@arch.gatech.edu


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