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Thad Starner

Assistant Professor,
College of Computing

Thad Starner is an Assistant Professor in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. Thad graduated from MIT in 1991 with Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science and Brain and Cognitive Science. He returned to the MIT Media Laboratory where he earned his Masters and Doctorate in 1995 and 1999, respectively. Before joining the Georgia Tech faculty in 1999, Starner gained international recognition at the MIT Media Laboratory as one of the world's leading experts on wearable computers during his doctoral work "Wearable Computing and Contextual Awareness." An advocate of continuous-access, everyday-use systems, Thad has worn his custom wearable computer in such a manner since 1993, arguably the longest such experience.

Thad is founder and director of the Contextual Computing Groupat Georgia Institute of Technology's College of Computing.Thad is a co-founder of the IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC) . The author of over 30 peer-reviewed scientific publications and book chapters in computer vision, mobile computing, augmented environments, and pattern recognition, Starner is known internationally as one of the founders of the field of wearable computing. He is a founding member of the MIT Wearable Computing Project, the IEEE Wearable Information Systems Task Force, and the IEEE Wearable Information Systems Technical Committee. Starner co-founded the IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC) and served as the local arrangements chair, the publicity co-chair, and on the program committee. Thad's current work researches the use of computational agents for everyday-use wearable computers as a segue to artificial intelligence.

Contact information:

    Thad Starner
    Graphics, Visualization & Usability Center
    College of Computing
    801 Atlantic Drive
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280
    E-mail: thad@cc.gatech.edu


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