Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Center

Usability Test Volunteers Wanted

This test evaluates several image processing algorithms used in a video communication application. It involves watching several video segments and answering simple questions about them. The test should take no more than 30 minutes to complete.

If interested, please sign-up using the sign-up sheet on my office door: room 262B in the College of Computing Building (a.k.a. CCB) -- put your name in an open time slot that you want to take. When the time comes, please wait outside of the usability lab (room 208 in CCB), and I will come to meet you. E-mail me if you have any further questions. Thanks in advance.

P.S.: If you have a College of Computing UNIX account, you can use it to check my schedule:

  1. Run the plan book application:
  2. Choose menu item File then File List..., and click on an empty cell in the Name column. That cell should change to a text input field, and you can type in my login name azhao. After you hit the RETURN key, you should be able to see my schedules in your week view.

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