FlexFax User Discussion.

For users of the free FlexFAX fax software
To subscribe, send mail to Majordomo@whizzer.wpd.sgi.com containing
    only the line 'subscribe flexfax' in the body

This is a mailing list for users of the freely available FlexFAX fax
software.  All messages sent to the address

    flexfax@sgi.com	(or flexfax@sgi.sgi.com for folks inside SGI)
are immediately forwarded to members of the list.  If you only want
announcements of new versions of the FlexFAX software then you may
prefer to subscribe to the mailing list flexfax-announce@sgi.com.

All messages to the list are being archived.  Copies of the archive are
available by anonymous FTP from the host sgi.com, in the directory
"sgi/fax/archives".  The mailing list archive files have names that
reflect the time-period that they cover.  File names are of the form:


where begin and end are dates of the form YYMMMDD, with MMM a 3-letter
month name (capitalized), DD a 2-digit day of the month, and YY the
last 2 digits of the year.  For example, 93May25-93Jun14.Z is the
archive of all correspondence on the flexfax mailing list between May
25, 1993 and June 14, 1993.  The data in the file are compressed with
the UNIX compress(1) program (thus the .Z suffix).  New archive files
are started for each ~10,000 lines of correspondence.  The archives are
updated every night at midnight local time (0700 GMT in the summer,
0800 GMT in the winter).

Users without anonymous FTP access should use "ftpmail" services to
retrieve archive files.  To find out more about one ftpmail service,
send a message to "ftpmail@gatekeeper.dec.com" whose body consists of
the single line "help".

FlexFAX information is available via the World Wide Web (WWW) at


These materials include the documentation provided in the distribution
and a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document.  Be sure to consult
the FAQ before posting questions to this mailing list.

Bounced email is treated very aggressively on this list.  If email to you
bounces for more than 24 hours, you'll probably be moved from this list
to a "bounces" list, where you'll get a message daily telling you what's
happened and how to get back on to this list; you'll then have to retrieve
the archives to find out what you missed.

For further information, contact:

	Sam Leffler