Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Center

Shumei Lin


Shumei was a Ph.D. student in the Graphics Visualization & Usability Center of the College of Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology. She got her:
Georgia Tech

Master's degree in Computer Science from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1994;
University of Toledo

Master's degree in Mathematics from the University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio in 1993;
Tsinghua University

and Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Technology from Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.China in 1991.


Research Work

Her research interests include: inter-networking, image processing, parallel and distributed systems, DBMS, and computer graphics.

Image Processing

Shumei worked with the Image Understanding Research Group. She helped designing and implementing the user interface for a prototype of the ARPA Image Understanding Environment. This was a software environment to support collaboration between researchers in computer vision and image processing. Here's a MPEG movie she built based on some part of this project - Dynamic Contour (snake).

On-line Computer Vision Tutorial

Her most resent work was building an on-line computer vision tutorial, with Prof. Daryl Lawton, Ted Rathkopf, and Roger Frederick Kromann. This tutorial explained the implementations of several algorithms for extracting dynamic contours. Results on sample images were provided as well.

1994 ARPA Image Understanding Workshop

Shumei worked with Prof. Daryl Lawton, Warren Gardner, and Ted Rathkopf in providing an on-line infomation database for the 23rd Image Understanding Workshop. This IUW Proceedings was an example of the revolution that has taken place in information media.


Shumei and Wei Wang, supported by Prof. Sham Navathe and Al Watkins, worked on a prototype of multimedia medical record database. The main goal of this project was to compare ODBMS with RDBMS. Shumei and Wei designed and implemented the database using Versant/Smalltalk, Versant/C++, O2, and Oracle/SQL. Here are some snapshots of the user interface prototype built on Versant/Smalltalk.

Industry Experience

Security First Technologies From December 1994 to December 2001, she was a Senior Software Engineer / Technical Lead at Security First Technologies that created the world's first full-service WWW bank: the Security First Network Bank, before she relocated to Portland, OR, with her family.

Sun Microsystems She worked with the Advanced Development Group of Sun Microsystems in summer, 1994. She prototyped the main user interface of a distributed program development environment.
