The collected data is copyrighted by the Georgia Tech Research Corporation under the following conditions. Source: European World Wide Web User Profiles by Erik Granered.

General Demographics - Germany/Austria/Switzerland

Survey question: What is you gender?
  • This percentage of women was normal in most of Western Europe.
Survey question: What is your current marital status?
  • This area had the highest percentage of Web users reporting in the "other" category, probably representing couples living together.
Survey question: How many people in you household are dependent children?
  • Though only a slight deviation, the percentage of Web users with no children was the largest in this region (outside of Eastern Europe).

Professional Demographics - Germany/Austria/Switzerland

Survey question: Please indicate the highest level of education completed.
  • This area had the largest percentage of masters degrees of any European region.
Survey question: Which of the following categories best describe your primary occupation?
  • This region (along with the Mediterranean region) had the largest percentage of Web users in the professional category.
Survey question: Please indicate your current household income in U.S. dollars.
  • This region had the highest income levels, and the largest percentage of Web users with incomes of over $100K.

Computer Demographics - Germany/Austria/Switzerland

Survey question: What is the nature of your primary access provider?
  • Educational and local access providers dominated in this region, with commercial access being comparatively high.
Survey question: How long have you been on the Internet?
  • Most Internet users in this area had more than one year of experience, 61 percent.
Survey question: Would you be willing to pay for information from WWW sites/databases? (Yes, No, Depends on Cost, Depends on Quality, Depends on Cost and Quality)
  • The response profile for this question was very much the same in all areas except Eastern Europe and Mediterranean countries.
Survey question: How many hours per week do you use your computer for work?
  • Web users in this region spent more time on their computers at work than any other Europeans. A remarkable 49 percent spent more than 30 hours per on their computers at work, and only 18 percent spent less than 10 hours.
Survey question: How many hours per week do you use your computer for fun/play?
  • ... but when computer users in this area got home, they stayed off their PCs. This was the lowest level of recreational computing in any region.