GVU's General Information Questionniare Form

How did you find out about the GVU's Sixth WWW User Survey?
(Please check all that apply.
How long have you been on the Internet (including using email, gopher, ftp, etc.)?
What is your primary language (i.e., the one you speak most of the time)?
Much of the Web's content is in English. The continued dominance of English of Web will ... (please check all all of the below statements that you agree with).
What is the primary place you access the WWW from?
Which online services do you currently subscribe to?
(Please check all that apply.
Who pays for your Internet access?
(Please check all that apply.
In which of the following elections did you vote?
(Please check all that apply.)
Are you currently registered to vote?
Which of the following categories best describes your primary occupation?
Please indicate the highest level of education completed.
What is your sex?
Note: Although this is a sensitive question, the answer can help WWW developers to understand the needs of current Web users. It is not intended to offend. How would you classify yourself?
What is your current marital status?
What is the screen diameter/diagonal of the monitor in front of you?
Which late night TV host do you prefer?
Where are you located?
Please indicate your current household income in U.S. dollars
What is your age?
What is your primary computing platform?
Would you be willing to pay for information from WWW sites?
Complete the following sentence in the way that comes closest to your own views: 'Since getting on the Net, I have ...'
Some Web sites ask for you to register with the site by providing personal information. When asked for such information, what percent of the time do you falsify the information?
In your opinion, what is the single most critical issue facing the Internet?
Please indicate your agreement/disagreement with the following statement.
I believe that certain information should not be published on the Internet.

This questionnaire was developed by:
GVU's WWW User Survey Team (Jim Pitkow & Colleen Kehoe) and former member Mimi Recker